Monday, August 5, 2013

More Crochet by Sophie Digard

As one might notice from the article immediately previous to this one, I am a big fan of Sophie Digard's amazing work in crochet. I have a small collection of her scarves that I add to as I can afford to; having found my first one at the Robin Richman shop in Chicago many years ago.  Here are some of the photos I have taken or collected over the years, without further commentary.  I hope you find them as rich as I do!  For more images and the opportunity to indulge in buying one, you can go to my favorite place for textiles,


  1. Lovely, I am seeing crochet in a whole new light

  2. Hi Laura,
    sitting here at my computer at work and cannot stop thinking about the wonderful week and the amazing women I have met...found you on pinterest (!!) and have slavishly followed ALL your boards....small compensation for missing you all!
    hope you are having a lovely couple of french days, will email some Danielle

  3. One day I will have one...they are beautiful , whenever I am at a textile show and they have them on a stand, I go and gaze longingly...probably just as well I can't afford one as the choosing would be impossible!
